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Scraping website data into Zapier

Zapier connects with over 2000 apps meaning that once you scrape website data from Simplescraper into Zapier you can send it almost anywhere on the web. So let's do it.

Follow the steps below or watch the 1 minute video above

  • In the Zapier dashboard click on the 'Make A Zap' button on the left-hand side
  • When the Zap editor opens, search for 'webhook' and click the 'Webhooks by Zapier' option. In the menu that pops up click the dropdown below Trigger Event and select 'Catch Hook 'and then click the Continue button
  • At the Set Up Trigger menu you should see a Custom Webhook URL. Copy this URL and then click Save & Continue
  • You should now be at the Test Trigger menu. Before you test the trigger you'll need to send the scraped data from Simplescraper to Zapier so open the Simplescraper dashboard in a new tab or window and go to the recipe whose data you want to send to Zapier
  • Navigate to the Integrations tab of that recipe and paste the URL that you copied earlier into the webhooks input field and press the enter key to save it
  • Now click the Run Recipe button in Simplescraper. Because we've set the webhook URL the scraped data will be sent to that URL when the recipe finishes. It's time to test that it's working so jump back to Zapier before the scraping task is completed
  • In Zapier click the Test Trigger button which tells Zapier to detect any incoming webhook data. You may need to click this button a few times as it needs to be clicked right around the time that the scrape task finishes in Simplescraper
  • When the request has been found you'll see a 'We found a request!' message in Zapier and the scrape results should be visible. Almost done, now click the Continue button
  • You're now on the Action menu. From here you can tell Zapier what to do with the scraped data it received via the webhook. After you've selected what you want to do with the data, continue to follow the instructions and save your Zap
  • That's it. Now whenever you run that recipe, the scraped data will be sent to Zapier and will trigger the action that you set in the previous step. Easy!

If you have any questions about this please reach out to us via chat. You may also find our Scraping data into Integromat guide useful.